Thursday, February 01, 2007

Scenes Taking Shape - Jan. 21, 2007

There are a few scenes finally starting to take on some semblance of life. It's amazing the difference a few hours can make, once you get beyond a certain point. Getting things ready for plaster and waiting for the plaster to dry take time and scenes don't look a whole lot different afterward. But an hour or two with paint and ground foam really makes a BIG difference!

Brian started working on his section of the layout. He's decided to construct a road crossing over the tracks by bridge into hilly country where there will be some rural type structures and lots of trees. There will be a small brook also crossing under the road bridge. The hill will continue over to the large river which will feature a two tiered waterfall (behind the tressel bridge).

I've been working on the river area playing with carving foam to simulate rocks. So far the results are promising.

Streets are starting to appear in Stevenville. I've been using black craft foam for the pavement. With some painting and weathering I think they'll look pretty good. Banjo Bob's is a structure from one of my UMG modules. It normally sits across the street from Keepemphartin Natural Gas. Hence the sign "Free Beans for Keepemphartin Employees" over the window.

These are some of the more complete scenes. GM Metals is really getting a junkie look to it. Still needs more junk and other details for the complete junkyard effect. Dickie Clothing is getting a little more presentable looking, and GMac Transfer has some colour around it at least.

So, now I'm only one post behind. Almost up to present day. Stay tuned!
