Thursday, March 01, 2007

Day Trip to Saint John

I wanted to post this entry earlier, but...

Anyway, here are some photos of our trip to Saint John last Saturday. We visited and operated the layouts of Lou McIntyre, Doug Devine, and Steve McMullin. It was a very full day, to say the least. It was also well worth the trip (leaving at 6:30am and getting home at almost midnight)!

Lou's St. Martin's Railroad is one of the best detailed layouts I have ever seen!
Here are some scenes from Lou's layout...

Doug's Island Central layout is one of the largest I have ever operated on.
Left: Derwin and Ryan wait "in the hole" - Hmmm... I think they were running 104!
Right: Dever Road and Saint John are busy places - Clayton, Brian, and Ken

Steve's Carleton Railway is definitely one of the most comfortable layouts for operating.
Left: Steve explains operations on his layout.
Right: Brian and Greg check their orders to make sure they aren't forgetting anything.

So, it was a great trip. I'm sure we will do it again some day. The drive home was just long enough to talk myself out of making major changes to the Bayside and Tidewater. I'll have to wait until the next version is constructed.
